I’ve been sending my 2 kids to treehouse since 2019, even though it’s quite a distance from my place but after weighing the pros and con, I decided to send my kids there and never regret a moment!
I love the environment in treehouse, full of natures and outdoor time for the kids to play and socialize among each others. I love that the teachers in treehouse are so passionate and enthusiast about their job, it’s that subtle vibe from teachers that I don’t find it elsewhere, it’s these little things that makes parents like me to have that reassurance to hand in my kids to them.
I felt so proud and happy when people around me pointed out that they notice my kids were so different from others as they are very individuality, very creative, very opinionated and not afraid to share what’s in their mind; and they would comment “oh no wonder your kids are different because they went to treehouse”. Yes, treehouse do not shape the kids into another study machine, but they reserve and nurture their individualistic and respect every kids are different and special in their own way, and that’s what makes treehouse so distinctive and loved by kids and parents!