Discovery Playschool
18 – 30 months

Explorers Kinder
3- 4 Years old

Adventurers Kinder
5 – 6 years old

Child Care
18 months – 6 years old



Discovery Playschool
18 – 30 months

Explorers Kinder
3- 4 Years old

Adventures Kinder
5 – 6 years old

Child Care
18 months – 6 years old

Discovery Playschool

Age: 18 months – 30 months


The Discovery Playschool is designed to provide toddlers with multiple sensory experiences that foster creativity, brain stimulation, social interaction between peers and motor skills development.

We provide a conducive learning environment where children are free to explore, express and engage in our weekly thematic activities.

Website - Treehouse (19)

Discovery Playschool

Website - Treehouse (22)
Website - Treehouse (24)
Website - Treehouse (25)
Website - Treehouse (23)

Kindergarten: The Explorers

Age: 3 to 4 years old

The explorers is a pre-kindergarten program that provides a foundation for children to learn.

Based on the Vygotsky theory, we impart to children mental tools for life long learning, such as critical thinking, planning, and discussing with peers.

This helps them evaluate their strategies and be successful learners.


Kindergarten: The adventurers

Age: 5 to 6 years old

The kindergarten program prepares our children with the necessary skills for elementary school such as language literacy and numeracy.

It also further develops them in problem solving skills, social and life skills, critical thinking skills and most importantly in character building.

child care

Age: 18 months to 6 years old
Time: 12.30pm to 6.00pm

Child care support is available after school to provide care, love and meaningful activities for our children.

child care

Age: 18 months to 6 years old
Time: 12.30pm to 6.00pm

Child care support is available after school to provide care, love and meaningful activities for our children.


Our programmes are designed to develop a child holistically with age appropriate methods and approach.

We hope to journey with parents and help our children to transit smoothly from a toddler into a kindergartner and beyond.